Lucky Christmas Spider


The Legend of the Lucky Christmas Spider is the perfect gift for anyone this holiday season.  Available in Clear & Gold and Clear & Silver

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The Legend of the Lucky Christmas Spider

 Once there lived a woman in a quiet village where her beautiful Christmas tree was the envy of all the townspeople.  In celebration of the magnificent tree, she hosted a party every Christmas Eve to share the magic with her neighbors.  After the festivities, while all the people were nestled in their beds awaiting Santa’s visit, a spider crept downstairs from the attic anxious to find out what had caused all the commotion that evening.

The spider’s eyes lit up brighter than the moon upon seeing the dazzling tree.  He crawled up and around each branch to get a closer look, until he reached the very top.  This was his new home, he decided, and began to spin a web around the entire thing.

Finally, Santa slid down the chimney ready to unload a bundle of gifts under his favorite Christmas tree.  But, the exquisite tree was masked under a white web.  Knowing how horrified the woman would be at this sight, Santa touched the web with his magic finger turning it into pure gold.  The tree became even more breathtaking then before, and eventually the townspeople all decided to imitate this look with golden tinsel.  Since then, hanging a spider within a Christmas tree has become a token of good luck.

Additional information

Spider Color

Gold, Silver